Tuesday, April 15, 2014

How do I change the Content Type Hub URL?

The URLof the content type hub cannot be changed from UI of ShaerPoint Central Administration once we have the Managed MetaData Service (MMS) application created.

We can however still change it by using Powershell! (Of Course)

You'll need to know two pieces of information: What is the administrative name of your managed metadata service and what is the new URL you want to serve as the content type hub.

Then just launch the SharePoint Management Shell as an administrator and execute the following:

Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "<ServiceApplication>" -HubURI "<HubURI>"
So in my my example it would look like this:
Set-SPMetadataServiceApplication -Identity "CORP Managed Metadata" -HubURI "http://intranet.corp.brocadero.com/contentHub"

Then answer Yes to the prompt and you're golden! Here's the verification in the UI:

Problem solved. Have a great day!

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